Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health (physically) just as (I know) your soul prospers (spiritually).
3 John 1:2 AMP

Sisterhood Connection Programing
Sisterhood Connection is the Ministry for Women of the Apostolic Church of God. Every woman who is a member of ACOG is automatically a member of the Sisterhood Connection. Our purpose is to unify the women of ACOG in order to inspire them in their spiritual walk, equip them for service ( in and outside the walls of the church) and empower them for greater transformation.
These are accomplished by :
These are accomplished by :
- Weekly Minute Clinics
- Spiritual Growth Empowerment Session
- Health and Wellness sessions
- Sisterhood Fellowship and Service Projects
- Annual Weekend and Expo
- Women's Journey
- Upcoming Sisterhood Events -
Sisterhood Wellness Month 2024
Get Connected to Women's Ministry

Sisterhood Connection Journey
The Spiritual Journey retreat will give women an opportunity to invest on a two-year experience designed to help them become and remain connected to God in every aspect of their lives. This experience will help them develop spiritual disciplines that will assist and strengthen them as they continue to journey and mature through life.
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